This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Rejected petition Review Operation Brock & look at other ways of managing delays at Channel ports

From the severe delays caused in April 2022, it is clear that Operation Brock requires a complete review, and alternative PERMANENT solutions to care for the wellbeing of HGV drivers involved in channel port delays and to significantly reduce disruption to Kent residents needs to be discussed

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It is clear from the severe issues caused in Kent by Channel port delays in April 2022 and many other examples prior to that, that Operation Brock and various other solutions over the years have proven temporary at best, and are becoming less and less effective in managing the problem. This is to the detriment of the HGV drivers directly involved in the delays who are often seen to be treated worse than animals, and to Kent residents who face unacceptable disruption to their day to day life.

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