This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Fund placenta measurements for all pregnant women on the NHS

Estimated Placental Volume (EPV) is a simple measurement that can be done while a foetus is in utero to estimate the size of its placenta. It requires 3 measurements (width, height, and thickness) that can be entered into a formula to determine the volume of a placenta in cubic centimetres.

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My baby Eli Tookey died in my womb at 41.5 weeks gestation. We found out through his post-mortem that he had an undetected small placenta. This would have been picked up easily if they measured his placenta during routine scans, and he wouldn't have died if hospitals make it compulsory to do so.

So many other babies are dying every day because of this, and it is so easily preventable.

Please, help to prevent more babies dying unnecessarily.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,555 signatures

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