This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Rejected petition Make the 01st August (Emancipation Day) an official British Bank Holiday.

We believe it’s long over due that the 01st August recognised as ‘Emancipation Day’ worldwide in many other countries around the world should be commemorated officially here in the U.K. We believe the biggest way to commemorate this day would be to officially recognise it as a British bank holiday.

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The brutal transatlantic slave trade and the abolition act of 1807 are both extremely significant events/ moments in British History.

Marking Emancipation Day (August 01st) as an official British Bank Holiday would be a most significant way of recognising the efforts of those involved in bringing to an end the U.K’s involvement in the transatlantic slave trade whilst at the same time being a beacon of community cohesion and an upgrade British history for future generations and the world.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It was created using a fake or incomplete name.

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We are rejecting your petition for that reason, but if you resubmit your petition using your full name, we should be able to approve it.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.