This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Rejected petition Request Her Majesty's pardon for those who were executed for Witchcraft in 1612

We call on the Government to request Her Majesty to pardon the 10 innocent people convicted and hanged for Witchcraft at the Lancashire Witch Trials of 1612, Pendle Hill. This was was a political and religious persecution, a pardon is long overdue & should be granted.

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Like all of the witchcraft trials, it goes to show the harmful + negative impact it has on a person + a community, when false accusations or stigmas are put onto another, all because they differ from whats deemed socially acceptable, no matter how marginal.By pardoning the pendle witches, we leas a way to bringing justice + righting the terrible wrongs that were done.

This petition was rejected

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