This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Maintain sanctions and introduce visa ban on people linked to Iranian regime

We demand the UK Government stop any kind of negotiations to ease sanctions on the Iranian regime until the human right issues in Iran is resolved. We also demand the UK to immediately stop issuing and renewing UK Visa for individuals linked to the Iranian regime.

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Current protests in Iran require support from the world powers to succeed. Since the start of protests, the internet has been blocked, protestors reportedly attacked and killed, and many have been arrested. Easing sanctions on the regime provides it with money that we don't want it to have. There also should not be officials connected with the Iran regime interests in the UK.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

38,026 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 24 October 2022

Iran’s human rights record is dire. Through our words and actions, the UK will continue to hold Iran to account.

Read the response in full

Iran’s human rights record is dire. The continued use of the death penalty, weak rule of law and restrictions on freedoms of expression, religion and belief are all unacceptable in 2022.

The death of Mahsa Amini in Iran was a shocking reminder of the repression faced by women in Iran. The protests send a clear message that the Iranian people are not satisfied with the path their government has taken. We urge Iranian authorities to now listen to their people: respect the right to peaceful assembly, lift internet restrictions, release unfairly detained protesters, and ensure women can play an equal role in society.

The UK’s position is clear: through our words and actions, we will hold Iran to account.

We continue to raise human rights at all appropriate opportunities with the Iranian government and take action with the international community to address Iran’s tragic record of human rights violations.

On 10 October, the UK imposed sanctions on the Morality Police in its entirety, as well as both its chief Mohammed Rostami Cheshmeh Gachi and the Head of the Tehran Division Haj Ahmad Mirzaei. For decades the Morality Police have used the threat of detention and violence to control what Iranian women wear and how they behave in public.

The UK also imposed sanctions on five leading political and security officials for committing serious human rights violations in supressing fuel protests in 2019. Their organisations have also been involved in responding to the current protests.

This brings the total to 85 individuals and two entities designated under the Iran Human Rights sanctions regime. These sanctions send a clear message to the Iranian authorities that they will be held to account for their violation of human rights, the repression of women and girls, and the shocking violence they have inflicted on their own people.

As well as its human rights abuses, the UK will continue its efforts to hold Iran to account for its nuclear escalation and destabilising regional activities. In total the UK has designated over 200 Iranian entities and individuals in relation to human rights abuses, proliferation and terrorism.

Where individuals are designated, these measures include travel bans. A travel ban means that the designated person must be refused leave to enter or to remain in the United Kingdom, providing the individual to be an excluded person under section 8B of the Immigration Act 1971. 

Iran’s nuclear programme is more advanced than ever, threatening international peace and security. After months of negotiations, a deal was put on the table in March 2022, which would have returned Iran to compliance with its Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) commitments and returned the US to the deal. However, Iran refused to seize the opportunity to conclude the deal with continued demands beyond the scope of the JCPoA. We are now considering next steps with our international partners.

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

MPs debate the ongoing protests in Iran

On Tuesday 11 October, there was an Urgent Question asking the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs to make a statement on what representations they have made to the Iranian authorities about ongoing protests in Iran.

Read the debate:

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What are Urgent Questions?

If an urgent or important matter arises which an MP believes requires an immediate answer from a government minister, they may apply to ask an urgent question.

The relevant Government Minister has to come to the Chamber to explain what the Government is doing on the issue raised. The Minister will then usually take questions on the subject from MPs.

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Government questioned on Iran and the treatment of protesters

On 16 November MPs questioned the Government on the current situation in Iran and the treatment of protesters.

During the exchange, MPs asked the Government what representations had been made to Iran regarding the treatment of Iranian protesters, and what plans the Government had for further sanctions on the Iranian regime.

What is an Urgent Question?

MPs can request that the Speaker considers their application for an urgent question each day. If the Speaker is satisfied that the question is urgent and of public importance, they are then given the opportunity to ask their question in the House of Commons Chamber.

A relevant Government minister has to come to the Chamber to explain what the Government is doing on the issue raised. The minister will then usually take questions on the subject from MPs.

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MPs debate the political situation and treatment of protesters in Iran

MPs debated the political situation and treatment of protesters in Iran on Monday 12 January, in the House of Commons.

The debate was led by Bob Blackman MP. Leo Docherty, The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, responded for the Government.

What are backbench business debates?

Backbench business debates give backbenchers (MPs who aren’t ministers or shadow ministers) an opportunity to secure a debate on a topic of their choice, either in the Chamber or Westminster Hall.

MPs can make a request for a debate to the Backbench Business Committee, who hears and decides which debates to schedule.

Backbench debates can either be general debates (which do not end in a vote) or be on a substantive motion (which calls for an action and can end in a vote). This debate was a general debate.

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Government responds to petition about uprising in Iran

The Government has responded to a public (paper) petition about recent uprisings in Iran. The petition was presented to the House of Commons on behalf of residents of the United Kingdom.

The petition asks the House of Commons to urge the Government to support the Iranian people's uprising and their desire for democracy.

In response to the petition's request, the Government states that the UK stands with the people of Iran, who it says must be empowered to determine the future of their country.

The Government also states that it has announced eight rounds of human rights sanctions, targeting political, security and prison officials as well as Iran's Prosecutor General.

What are public (paper) petitions?

A public (paper) petition is a petition to the House of Commons presented by an MP.

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Countering Iran's hostile activities debated by MPs

MPs held a debate on countering Iran's hostile activities on Wednesday 8 May in Westminster Hall. The debate was led by Dame Margaret Hodge MP.

The Minister of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Ms Nusrat Ghani MP, responded on behalf of the Government.

What is a Westminster Hall debate?

Westminster Hall is the second chamber of the House of Commons. Westminster Hall debates give MPs an opportunity to raise issues and receive a response from a government minister. Westminster Hall debates are general debates that do not end in a vote.

Visual explainer: Westminster Hall debates

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