This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament
Petition Overturn Kent County Council's (KCC) 'Sensible' Street Lighting Policy
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Ask Kent County Council to reverse their decision to turn off our street lights between the hours of midnight and 5.30am, compromising the safety and security of residents and potentially turning current (previously lit) low-crime areas in to (now un-lit) high crime areas. In additions, this policy will make many Kent streets no go areas late at night for many members of the public plus will make the streets more dangerous for those on nightshifts/late workers/those out at night
Allegidly their was a consultation paper issued to which 75% of particpants agreed to this move. As a Kent resident for 15 years, I was not consulted nor do I know of anyone in my extensive circle of influence who was consulted.
We have the right as tax-paying residents to insist on having our streets properly lit, and feel this move to be wholly unfair and unsafe - AND WE DEMAND THAT THIS 'SENSIBLE' STREET LIGHTING POLICY IS REVERSED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months
681 signatures