This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Hold a referendum on rejoining the EU following the outcome Brexit agreement

As the public were refused the opportunity of a referendum as to the content of the UK's exit deal with EU and now having experience the negative outcomes as a result of leaving the EU, we want a referendum on rejoining the EU.

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Following loss of free trade, free movement and all the previous benefits of being part of the EU, we want to rejoin the EU. Many parts of our lives have been made more difficult following Brexit, and the promised benefits of leaving the EU have not materialised.

The financial / political crisis has made the situation even more acute. The £37 billion divorce bill is such a waste of our money. If we can’t have a general election at least allow a referendum for the public to vote on whether they wish to rejoin the the EU.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,791 signatures

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