This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) unfit for setting/regulating care standards. Places reputation & member's interests above patient care

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RCVS has approved the alarming practise that veterinary Intensive Care Units can be totally unattended for recurring periods of 15 minutes, and, rejected irrefutable facts in complaints of a pet's death in a Small Animal Teaching Hospital's ICU.

ICU's are concentrated with special equipment/specially trained staff caring for seriously ill patients requiring immediate and continuous attention, Miller-Keane Encyclopaedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health 7th edn 2003 Saunders. This rule of continuous attention applies equally to an ICU in a veterinary hospital as confirmed on the website of the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia.

We ask Government to either split the RCVS Preliminary Investigation and Disciplinary Committees from RCVS; create an independent veterinary Ombudsman; or veterinary hospitals are included in Government's series of measures resulting from public enquiry into Stafford Hospital scandal

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

875 signatures
