This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Rejected petition The government to reinstate the position of Disability Minister immediately.

The government have removed/downgraded the post of Disability Minister and now the undersecretary has to report to Secretary of State rather than the Prime Minister putting another wedge between the disabled community and the Prime Minister

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

We can't publish petitions when the request is something that's already happening or something that has been announced since you started your petition.

We think your petition is covered by Government or Parliament action already. If you'd like something else, you could start a new petition clearly explaining what it is.

We're not aware of any changes to the role of Minister for Disabled People. This role has previously been a junior ministerial role in the Department of Work and Pensions rather than reporting directly to the Prime Minister.

Details of Ministerial appointments, including responsibilities, are currently being confirmed following the recent ministerial reshuffle, but we're not aware of any plans to remove the role of Minister for Disabled People.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.