This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Rejected petition Drop fuel duty and tax by a minimum of 50% to help with cost of living

We the people want the fuel duty and tax on petrol/diesel to be cut by a minimum of 50% to help with soaring cost of living crisis. Because of fuel costs everything from toilet roll to food has dramatically gone up in price as company's try to claw back losses creating hardship for thousands.

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The cost of living is getting out of hand and the government is doing nothing or very little to help. By cutting fuel duty & tax by minimum of 50% prices on everything will dramatically drop and inflation rate with it. The prices we the uk pay for fuel is ridiculous and putting many businesses and households at risk making it more expensive to work when the key factor of work is to earn money not loose it. We buy our fuel from same place as other countries that are dramatically cheaper than us.

This petition was rejected

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