This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition No to blanket Apprenticeship reforms - Protect the significant value apprentices add to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

More details

The Government are changing the way Apprenticeships are managed and funded;

As an employer you will be asked to manage the funding for the delivery of training to apprentices resulting in more administration and complications for you and your business.

As an employer you will be asked to contribute to the cost of training even the youngest of apprentices when you already pay and support their salary costs and skills development in the workplace.

In areas largely dominated by SMEs these reforms are set to restrict prospects of growth for these businesses whilst also taking away potential opportunities for young people to gain an Apprenticeship.

Say no to the blanket reforms, help to save the future of Apprenticeships in SMEs.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

1,969 signatures
