This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Rejected petition Father Alienation and secret court and non-molestation order should be stopped

Fathers should have the same rights in court as a mothers. One million men, 10.3% of all fathers and 5% of all men, don't live with their children. 33% can't see their children for no good reason

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Change the family court to a open court so it's a fair judgment ( secret family court should be stopped. Because they don't listen to fathers if they represent themselves, or taken seriously with evidence, witness or perjury. If a parent has never sexually abused or physically abused their child they should still have rights to see them.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.

Parents with parental responsibility already have equal rights in family court proceedings, we're therefore not exactly sure what you'd like to happen. You could start a new petition about making family court proceedings public. You'd need to use your full name if you start a new petition.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.