This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Rejected petition I want the lgbtq organisations to stop pushing pornographic material on children

I want the goverment to recognise the rights of parents to raise their children with moral standards they are comfortable with, and not to force parents to accept the moral standards of others, which makes them uncomfortable. parents alone have the right to teach moral standards to their children

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I want this lgbtq issue to be debated in parlement I want the governement to protect children under the age of consent from seeing pornographic images in books in the school or in our council run libraries. I want our children to be protected from making decisions about there sexuallity untill they are of the age of consent which i believe now is 16. I want provisions to made for children of the age of consent who need to talk about issues of sexual identity, to be referred to counsilling proffesionals who can help them. I do not want 5, 6, 10 year old children to have to make these kinds of decisions. Remember children always change their mind. One minute they want be a soldier, next minute, its a doctor another time its a fireman.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.

Petitions need to call on the Government or Parliament to take a specific action, but we're not sure exactly what you'd like the Government or Parliament to do.

Schools are required to teach Relationships Education (primary) and Relationships and Sex Education (secondary), but it is up to individual schools how to deliver this education.

If there are changes you want to be made to the curriculum content for Relationships Education (primary) and Relationships and Sex Education (secondary) you could start a new petition explaining clearly what you changes you would like the Government to make.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.