This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Identify and sanction individuals from Pakistan involved in illegal activities

We want the Government to identify and sanction any individuals from Pakistan, particularly politicians, that are involved in illegal activities, such as corruption or money laundering.

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We want the Government to take immediate action by introducing sanction against any individuals from Pakistan guilty of illegal activities such as corruption and money laundering. It is widely reported that many individuals connected with Pakistan have obtained funds by illegal methods and invest it outside of their country, such as in the UK. The UK must not be a shelter for corrupt Pakistani politicians who flee to the UK, especially when they have been convicted by the courts of Pakistan.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

17,267 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 12 April 2023

The UK Government is committed to tackling corruption and money laundering. We will take action – including sanctions – against individuals involved in illicit financial activity.

Read the response in full

Corruption undermines a country’s democratic governance, the rule of law and human rights. The UK Government is acting robustly to tackle corruption and illicit finance in the UK and overseas. We have long recognised the risks and corrosive effects of dirty money being laundered in the UK and are committed to making the UK’s financial system a hostile place for illicit finance. This is why government has just published the second public-private Economic Crime Plan that outlines ambitious actions to combat corruption and money laundering. The government has also committed to publishing a second UK Anti-Corruption Strategy that will outline a refreshed approach to tackling corruption in the UK and internationally.

In 2021, the UK launched the Global Anti-Corruption sanctions regime, a significant step forward for the UK’s global leadership in combatting corruption around the world. This sanctions regime allows the Government to impose asset freezes and travel bans on those involved in serious corruption. This sends a clear message that those implicated in corruption are not welcome in the UK, and nor is their money. The UK will continue to pursue designations to deter individuals against future illicit activity, combat serious corruption and promote our values around the world. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office does not speculate on future designations as to do so could reduce their impact.

With regards to Pakistanis residing in the UK, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office cannot comment on individual cases.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office