This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Do not allow people to have acquired gender listed as sex on Government ID

We call upon Government to reform arrangements for issuing Government IDs such as passports and driving licenses, so that these cannot list a person's acquired gender as their sex.

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We believe that the Government issuing men with identity documents saying they are women poses safeguarding issues.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

13,953 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 20 November 2023

We are committed to protecting the rights of transgender people whilst ensuring that these rights are appropriately balanced with the rights of others.

Read the response in full

The Equality Act 2010 provides protection against discrimination, harassment and victimisation across a number of grounds, including sex and gender reassignment. We are committed to upholding Britain’s long-standing record of protecting the rights of individuals against unlawful discrimination. The Government also believes in the principle of individual liberty and in the humanity and dignity of every person.

There are processes in place, with the right checks and balances, to allow for those who wish to legally change their gender to do so.

Transgender people, including those who are going through the process to change their legal sex, deserve our respect, support and understanding. Enabling people to change their gender, with appropriate checks and balances in place, is part of this, as it allows transgender people to live in their acquired gender. Systems are in place to support transgender people in obtaining a passport or driving licence in their acquired gender, with the appropriate security procedures in place, without the need for a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). Passports and driving licences are often part of the evidence provided by transgender people to the Gender Recognition Panel to obtain a GRC.

The Government is committed to maintaining the safeguards that allow organisations to provide single-sex services. It is important that the principle of being able to operate spaces reserved for women and girls is maintained, in line with the Equality Act. We are committed to tackling harassment and abusive behaviours by all individuals, and ensuring single-sex spaces are safe for those using them. The EHRC have published guidance on the existing legislation which provides much needed clarity to those offering single sex spaces.

On 21 February 2023, the Minister for Women and Equalities (MfWE) sought advice from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) on the benefits or otherwise of an amendment to the Equality Act 2010 on the current definition of 'sex', as she was concerned that the Equality Act may not be sufficiently clear in the balance it strikes between the interests of people with different protected characteristics, particularly in the case of the protected characteristics of ‘sex’ and ‘gender reassignment’. Having received that advice, the Minister for Women and Equalities has asked officials to undertake detailed policy and legal analysis, as per the EHRC’s request, to understand the impact of its advice on various protected groups and related issues arising.

We are absolutely committed to championing the rights of women and girls.

Cabinet Office