This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Rejected petition Allow small dogs/cats to fly in cabin when entering the UK on commercial planes.

Current law requires dogs/cats to travel as ‘cargo’ (under the plane) when entering the UK. We ask the government to change the law so that dogs & cats can travel in-cabin and aren’t required to be manifest cargo.
The USA, EU & other nations allow in cabin travel. Lets bring our pets home in cabin

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This is an out-dated law that provides no benefit to the pet or its welfare. Besides this, people consider their pets to truly be family or companions. There are times when we need to take our pets abroad and putting them in the luggage causes serious anxiety to the animal.
The pick-up point for pets is often far from the terminal meaning the pet is left for hours longer than needed.
The pick-up point can close early holding your pet overnight.
Airlines can loose the pet as its luggage.

This petition was rejected

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There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

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