This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Rejected petition Arm police officers responding to a dangerous animal with tranquillisers

Something must be done to avoid the killing of animals in such horrific situations. High-powered guns were fired in a public place. It’s a pulbic safety issue. For the safety of the public, wherever tranquilliser guns can be used as a first option. A change could ensure a more humane response.

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Animals should have the chance of a fair trial too. If sedated, they could be safely contained and assessed.
Something must be done to avoid the killing of animals in such horrific situations.
High powered guns were fired in such a public place. Tranquilliser guns can be used as a first option. They should always be present in an armed response. A change could ensure a more humane response and safer for the animals involved and members of public.
Aquip all armed officers with tranquillisers!

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