This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Zero-rate VAT on repair services and components for consumer electronics

As the UK is no longer bound by EU VAT rules on repair services, it should adopt a zero-rate VAT policy for repairs, including spare part sales and repair services. This should lead to a 17.7% cost reduction for consumers, and hopefully reduce waste.

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The UK is the second highest per capita producer of e-waste globally. One major challenge for consumers seeking product repairs, is the associated high cost, often driving them to choose subsidised replacements instead. Implementing a 17.7% saving for consumers can give a much-needed boost to the repair sector and help reduce the UK's e-waste. This would then align appliance and consumer electronics repairs with the zero-rated repair services for some cruise ships.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,610 signatures

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