This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Rejected petition MHRA Publish the Orange and Green Guides Online, with free access

We request that this guidance is broken down into relevant sections and chapters, converted to a readily shareable format such as a PDF file and hosted on a single webpage. The webpage should be free to access.

More details

This enhances accessibility. Online resources offer enhanced and intuitive search functionality and embracing digital resources over printed materials supports the UK's environmental goals.

This approach supports the MHRA's mission to promote public health.

It showcases the nation's dedication to fostering a competitive and transparent pharmaceutical industry, attracting international stakeholders who appreciate open access to authoritative guidelines.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It was created using a fake or incomplete name.

However, people who create petitions are required to give their full, real name. Sorry if this wasn’t clear to you.

We are rejecting your petition for that reason, but if you resubmit your petition using your full name, we should be able to approve it.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.