This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Rejected petition Allocate funding to mitigate the impact of RAAC on St Leonard’s, Durham

In 2010, the government cancelled the Building Schools for the Future programme. St Leonard’s is one of the most seriously affected schools. We need investment now to ensure effective education for all children affected who are receiving on average only one day per week of face-to-face education.

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Three of the four worst affected schools are in the North east demonstrating increasing inequality between the North East and the rest of the UK. Extensive academic research on the impact of learning during the Covid pandemic has demonstrated lower academic achievement, widening inequality and poor mental health from online learning. We need plans in place to rebuild St Leonard’s now alongside a robust interim plan for full time f2f education for all pupils to prevent long-term adverse impact.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It requests action at a local level.

We can’t accept petitions that request action at a local level.

You could ask your MP to take action on your concerns about this issue, including by asking them to present a public (paper) petition about this.

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And you can find out how to ask your MP to present a public (paper) petition here:

You could also raise this issue with the Department for Education.

We do have a petition about funding for alternative teaching space for schools affected by RAAC that you may wish to sign:

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.