This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Seek to secure the release of hostages held by Hamas

Innocent hostages, including infants and elderly individuals, are victims, being held by Hamas. The UK Government should do all it can to support the release of these hostages.

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The UK Government's immediate action could make a significant difference in these innocent lives and uphold our nation's commitment to justice and compassion. As representatives of the United Kingdom, a nation dedicated to human rights, compassion, and justice, I implore the Government to leverage its influence and diplomatic channels to seek to secure the hostages' unconditional release. Advocate for immediate humanitarian access to ensure their well-being. Please act swiftly to end this tragic ordeal.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

31,610 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 23 November 2023

The UK government welcomes the 22 November agreement between Israel and Hamas on a coordinated release of hostages and pause in fighting. We continue to work on securing the release of all hostages.

It is unconscionable that Hamas continues to hold men, women, and children, causing terrible fear and suffering for their families. As set out in the Foreign Secretary’s statement, the UK government welcomes the agreement announced on 22 November between Israel and Hamas on a coordinated release of hostages and pause in fighting. This agreement is a crucial step towards providing relief to the families of the hostages and to ensure that much greater volumes of food, fuel and other life-saving aid can reach Gaza on a sustained basis.

The UK government will continue to work closely with international partners, including in the region, to secure the release of all hostages and we urge all parties to ensure the agreement is delivered in full.

On 18 November Minister of State for the Middle East, Lord Ahmad, met Qatar’s Minister of State in Doha. They discussed the Israel/Gaza conflict, including the importance of securing the release of all hostages held by Hamas as soon as possible. On 22 November, the Foreign Secretary and Lord Ahmad hosted the Arab-Islamic Ministerial Committee in London. The leaders discussed the conflict and the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza as well as how we can work together to reach a long-term political solution which will enable Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace. The Foreign Secretary also reiterated our welcome of today’s agreement on the coordinated release of hostages.
Our position is clear: Hamas must release all hostages, stop endangering lives, and surrender.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office