This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Require CCTV cameras on school transport for kids with special educational needs

Children with special educational needs are often transported to school via transport arranged through the council. We want cameras onboard to help ensure the safety of those onboard, and allow for the review of incidents involving students who may not be able to speak, report, or defend themselves.

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By requiring CCTV, whenever there is a situation in question - the footage can be reviewed so the situation can be better understood. Children with special educational needs may not report something inappropriate, or be able to explain their side of story, should an incident occur. Unfortunately some people are not always honest or kind, which can put children with special educational needs at risk.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

18,203 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 9 February 2024

Safeguarding children is of paramount importance. We expect everyone involved in the delivery of school transport to take their responsibilities seriously but have no plans to require CCTV.

Read the response in full

We have no plans to require CCTV cameras on school transport, but local authorities may choose to stipulate in their contracts with transport operators that vehicles must be fitted with CCTV, where they consider that appropriate. We know some local authorities already do this.

Local authorities are responsible for arranging free home-to-school transport for eligible children and must ensure the arrangements they make are suitable for the needs of the children concerned. This includes ensuring that drivers and passenger assistants have undergone the appropriate checks and training to carry out their role. All children should be able to travel to school in reasonable safety and comfort.

Our statutory guidance, Travel to school for children of compulsory school age (, expects local authorities to ensure that an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check with a check of the children’s barred list has been carried out for drivers and passenger assistants. It also expects that drivers and passenger assistants have received training in safeguarding and any training required to meet the specific needs of the children travelling.

Health and safety law requires local authorities to assess risk and put in place reasonably practicable control measures to protect their employees and others - including the children for whom they arrange travel - from harm. Where they consider it a proportionate control measure, local authorities may require that vehicles are fitted with CCTV.

Department for Education