This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Rejected petition Stop gchq employees and contractors parking on the residential roads in the area

Daily from 5.30am we get gchq employees parking on our roads, they slam doors, don’t use the gchq parking provided, the residents are now having to park on grass verges and I have even had gchq staff claim to be police and threaten me, I reported this to gchq police and they did nothing.

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We would like government to make gchq supply parking for their staff and contractors so they cannot park overtaking our local roads and affecting the values of our properties. GCHQ have plenty of parking and should be working for the people not against them

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It requests action at a local level.

We can’t accept petitions that request action at a local level.
You could ask your MP to take action on your concerns about this issue, including by asking them to present a public (paper) petition about this.
You can find contact details for your local MP here:
And you can find out how to ask your MP to present a public (paper) petition here:
You could also raise this issue with the Government department responsible for the GCHQ. You can find contact details for the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office here:

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.