This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Review rules relating to blue badges for children under three

The current rules relating to blue badges have specific criteria relating to children under three. I want the government to review these rules, including the equalities impacts on disabled children.

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I believe the current rules reduce the ability of disabled children under three to visit parks, attend children centres and engage in public life. For families with multiple children with disabilities this can have even more of an impact.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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Government responded

This response was given on 20 August 2024

The Department for Transport sets the legislation for the Blue Badge scheme in England and it is administered by local authorities in their area. There are no plans to review eligibility.

The criteria and scope of the Blue Badge scheme are set by national legislation, and the aim of the scheme is to help those with the greatest mobility needs park closer to the places they need to visit. To qualify for a Blue Badge a person needs to meet one of the eligibility criteria set out in the regulations that govern the scheme.

Prior to June 2011, there was no provision at all for children under 3 years old within the eligibility criteria for the Blue Badge scheme but since that date automatic eligibility under two categories for children under the age of three has been conferred:

(a) a child who, because of a condition, must always be accompanied by bulky medical equipment which cannot be carried around with the child without great difficulty

(b) a child who, because of a condition, must always be kept near a motor vehicle so that, if necessary, treatment for that condition can be given in the vehicle or the child can be taken quickly in the vehicle to a place where such treatment can be given

Outside of these specific criteria it is considered that disabled children below the age of 3 could reasonably be carried in a pram or pushchair, in much the same way as non-disabled children of a similar age.

Any badge issued for a child under the age of three in these categories will be valid up to the day before the child’s third birthday. If a badge is being sought for the child after this date, an application should be made under one of the of the other eligibility routes open to children and adults over 3 years of age.

There are no current plans to review the eligibility criteria for the Blue Badge scheme but this government is always keen to listen to the experiences of parents and carers of disabled children.

Department for Transport