This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Remove the Time Limits for charging in CSA cases where the Offense was "consensual" and committed prior to 2004

More details

Currently, sentences for child sexual abuse crimes which have come to light where the offence has been committed prior to 2004, have to be considered within the law of the time. Prior to 2004, this means that if "ostensible consent" was given by the child, and if the child was aged 13, 14 or 15, the offence of "intercourse with a child" will be applied. However for this crime, charges can only be brought within one year of the offence being committed.

Consequently all crimes being reported now that meet the above conditions, will have no consequences for the offenders and all charges will be dropped. This loophole must be closed, it matters not whether the crime was committed, in 2004 or prior to this - victims do not deserve to be denied justice because of the time taken to disclose.

I am asking for the one year limit to be removed for all future cases which meet the above circumstances to give fair and equal justice for all victims.

This petition closed early because of a General Election

497 signatures
