This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Reinstate Martial Arts as one of the approved activities for GCSE PE

Martial Arts is a popular sport for children. Yet dedicated, passionate, talented students can no longer use them for GCSE. I think Martial Arts are wholly inclusive, appeal to all genders, all ethnic backgrounds and children with SEN. They can help promote fitness, self-discipline and respect.

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World Champion Martial Arts students who have trained for years have to choose alternative sports for GCSE PE or not to do it at all. We think this is a tragedy! If other specialist sports such as Equestrian and figure skating can be used, we believe it is wholly unjust to exclude Martial Arts. I believe Martial Arts CAN meet all 5 of Ofqual's requirements to make it on to the approved list. We would welcome the opportunity to open a dialogue with the Department for Education on this and an appropriate syllabus.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

10,356 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 16 September 2024

In 2018, martial arts were excluded from GCSE PE lists due to assessment issues. The Department is now reviewing the curriculum to enhance school standards, with participation details published soon.

The government have launched an independent Curriculum and Assessment Review, covering key stages 1 to 5, Chaired by Professor Becky Francis CBE. A call for evidence will be launched in September, which will set out the areas where the review group would particularly welcome input from. You can read more about the review at Government launches Curriculum and Assessment Review - GOV.UK (

In 2018, the Department for Education conducted a public consultation about which activities should be added to the GCSE, AS and A level PE activity lists. The lists are based upon the suitability of activities as a means of assessing students’ skills as part of a physical education qualification. The department and awarding organisations developed a set of 5 key considerations which were applied to each activity in order to ensure parity and rigour. These considerations take into account Ofqual’s principles for non-exam assessment. The martial arts, such as judo, ju jitsu, karate, and taekwondo, failed to meet criterion 5 as they were found to have too many variations which would make it too difficult for teachers and moderators to reliably assess. The same was true of other activities such as fencing and wrestling.

Details of the consultation and the 5 criteria can be found here: DfE consultation response template (

It is important to note that the non-inclusion of an activity on the list does not represent a view on the legitimacy or value of the activity. Activities are included based solely upon whether they meet the criteria set out in the consultation and therefore their suitability as a means of assessing students’ skills as part of a PE qualification.

Department for Education