This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Remove Andrew Sells as chairman of Natural England

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Remove Andrew Sells as chair of Natural England for crimes against our wildlife.
Sells has consistantly shown a complete disregard for science during the Badger cull, and has ignored the IEP report condemning the cull as inhumane and ineffective, the licence should have been revoked as soon as the IEP report was made public.
Furthermore the changes in licencing for certain species of birds including the beloved Robin have made it clear that his agenda is not to protect wildlife and bio diversity but to make housing development easier, his background as a developer and venture capitalist explain his appointment to this crucial post.
He should be removed immediately and repaced with someone independant of this government who is truly independant and focused on the protection of our wildlife.

This petition closed early because of a General Election

474 signatures
