This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Ban NDAs & confidentiality clauses for bullying, discrimination & harassment

Our position is simple: we see NDAs and confidentiality clauses as an abuse of power when used to gag those who speak out about horrendous experiences in the workplace.

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We believe that NDAs are the weapon of choice for employers to muzzle voices, stifle justice, and perpetuate injustice, and that their use in these cases seeks to hide an employer’s bad behaviour from the press, from their customers, and from future employees.

We know this is happening across multiple industries and sectors and it cannot go on.

We are demanding that the government make NDAs and Confidentiality Clauses unenforceable in cases of discrimination, harassment and bullying.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

3,027 signatures

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