This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Establish & Resource One National Independent Panel Inquiry into Organised Institutional Child Abuse

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Since the appalling revelations about Jimmy Savile, every week brings new evidence of widespread historic and present abuse of children across society, from children's homes to top public schools. Please sign if you agree that existing inquiries & criminal investigations into institutional child abuse have had insufficient scope, independence, powers, or resources. 95+ cross-party MPs are asking for one national independent inquiry into organised child abuse, to address:

(a) concerns about networks of abusers involving members of both Houses of Parliament (as with Cyril Smith)
(b) networks operating in many parts of the country, beyond the scope of regional police forces
(c) mysterious disappearance of essential dossiers, documents and video tapes, and negative responses to FOI requests
(d) evidence of a central role for the Paedophile Information Exchange, many members of which were involved in abuse and trafficking of children and images of abuse.

This petition closed early because of a General Election

422 signatures
