This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition People vs.Taylor Wimpey - No To Building On Protected Farmland

More details

Taylor Wimpey plan to build 357 properties on 'Green Lung' open protected farm land, contiguous with Hollin Lane and Langley Lane in Middleton, Manchester (M24).

This prely profit-driven act of environmental vandalism will destroy the only remaining belt of open protected green farm land between central Manchester and Bamford - creating one long continuous urban sprawl reaching some 12 miles.

These houses are not needed and will destroy an area of open countryside enjoyed by thousands of people and families in the adjoing neighbours.

We request that the Government deny Taylor Wimpey's request to destroy our local environment, and refuse them panning permission for this planned development.

Please sign this petition.

The People vs. Taylor Wimpey.

This petition closed early because of a General Election

541 signatures
