This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition flintshire bridlepaths - allow horses off the road

More details

Walkers can use 100% of the rights of way system in Wales. Cyclists have their own routes and can also use those that are open to horses.

Access for horse riders and carriage drivers is a different matter altogether.
There are 33,000km of public rights of way in Wales, In Flintshire, : just 10% of the network is open to riders. And much of that flows into footpaths which cannot be used even to lead a horse from the ground.

As a result, riders are forced back on to dangerous roads. I am sure most motorists and tax payers would prefer to have horse riders off the roads.

Quoted from :
The British Horse Society's Flintshire access officer Vera Derby speaking to the daily post.

This petition closed early because of a General Election

681 signatures
