This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament
Petition Protect the Bronze Age Burial Mound at Elburton, Plymouth by Scheduling it as an Ancient Monument
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The burial mound at Elburton, Plymouth is considered the city's most important Bronze Age site and fears that landscaping works may destroy part or all of the mound, calls for the English Heritage to step in and schedule this important site.
Excavations in the 90's revealed a Bronze Age flat cemetery directly in relation to the large barrow, which is a rare occurrence in the South West.
At present Plymouth City Council are unable to physically prevent the owner from developing the land and any action that does occur will only transpire after the event.
Therefore to prevent this from happening we call on the English Heritage to schedule this site as an ancient monument, in order to protect not only the burial mound but the important information that it holds for future generations.
This petition closed early because of a General Election
509 signatures