This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government

Petition We demand a legal, binding definition of "Freedom of Speech and Expression"

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We want a legal, binding definition of the term: "Freedom of Speech and Expression".
What are the boundaries? What is right, what is wrong? What will get me arrested, what is my right?

Citing an example: If drawing defaming cartoons of the Prophet of Islam is considered Freedom of expression, not Islamophobia, then what are the boundaries for "Freedom of Speech", which are especially needed for publishers and journalists.
How much defamation can be accepted?

Another example: the Hash-tag #KillAllMuslims was trending on twitter, but was again considered to be "Freedom of Speech". I would have considered that 'inciting genocide'.

Why is there so much debate about what constitutes "Freedom of Speech"?

The Government must work to remove these doubts!
What are the definitions? That's all we want to know

This petition closed early because of a General Election

26,746 signatures
