This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition The return of Capital punishment for crimes of Murder

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I call for a return to capital punishment, not because I am vengeful but because I fear the death of another innocent person if the offender is allowed to live.

If a person commits murder or death by violent behaviour and is proved beyond doubt of the crime, he/she should be executed.

In the past the possibility of executing an innocent person made the death penalty an unsafe punishment. However today we have advanced forensic techniques including DNA, this would make certain that only the guilty faced capital punishment.

The last execution to take place in the UK was in 1964, and using deterrent statistics from that time is irrelevant. So too is using anti capital punishment arguments from the USA which hold prisoners in death row more many years.

In the UK there should be one appeal allowed and the sentence should take place as soon as possible after conviction. Violent people must be made aware that their actions will have serious consequences.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

1,171 signatures
