This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Rejected petition Ban Fireworks unless at Organised Events

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I would like fireworks banned unless at organised events by licenced practioners.

Every year many people are seriously injured as a result of fireworks. In addition, many pets are traumatized. Fireworks in October/November sometimes go on every night for weeks, usually in people's back gardens where they pose a fire and health and safety hazard.

In addition, as fireworks are quite often used for no particular reason it is a very anti social activity often causing noise disturbance until very late at night or early morning. Legislation prohibiting their use after 11pm is totally ineffective and is rarely, if ever, enforced.

These are dangerous items and, as such, should only be used at organised events by people trained to use them. This would lead to a decrease in injuries resulting from their use every year, and a decrease in anti-social behaviour.

Those buying fireworks should be licensed.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

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