This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition stop child benefit to children who do not reside inthe uk to eu and non eu residents in uk

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many people that come here to work or not are claiming child benefit for children that are not resident inthis country. There is no proof that they exist and the benefit system is being abused by foreigners at the expense of the british worker. Many hard working single families will lose child benefit because it is easier for the government to stop the benefit of an earner on over 38k. This means that 2 earners that bring in nearly 80 k will still beable to claim child benefit. Benefit should only be claimed from the country of origin or citizenship. This will stop the abuse of multiple claims of those claiming from the host and country of origin. The UK cannot afford to fund benefits for the entire world..

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

549 signatures
