This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Introduce compulsory ID Cards for all UK citizens

Mandatory ID Cards for all UK citizens will assist in fighting terrorism, preventing identity and benefit fraud, and ensuring that those working, living, and accessing services in the UK, are entitled to do so. It will provide clarity for employers and landlords, and deter those who abuse UK systems

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Opposition to ID cards centres on cost and civil liberties. Long term savings in identity and benefit fraud, and protection of National security, now outweigh such arguments. The UK is one of the few EU Countries that does not have compulsory ID Cards. Labour introduced ID cards in 2008/2009, but amended it to a 'voluntary' scheme (pointless). The scheme was scrapped by the coalition in 2010. Economic and demographic pressures now require that ID Cards should be compulsory for everyone.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

57 signatures

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