This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Open a UK Asylum Application Office at Calais

Refugees and other migrants are taking appalling risks trying to reach UK shores in order to apply for asylum here. If there were an office in Calais where refugees could apply for asylum in the UK, we'd be able to validate the legitimacy of those claims without simply opening our borders to all.

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Many people want our government to do more to help the refugees.

Many others are concerned about who we may let in if we relax our border controls.

Our asylum vetting process is a good one, but in order to apply for asylum here, refugees must first make it to UK shores.

If they could apply for asylum in the UK at an office in Calais, we would be able to validate their claims without them having to endanger themselves and others gaining entry to the country.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,957 signatures

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