This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
Petition Changes the Home Office Rules on Spouse Visas for those married to UK Citizens.
If a UK citizen living abroad marries a foreign citizen, and they want to return to the UK, the current rules mean that a) 6 months of earnings must be shown in the UK and that b) the spouse must apply for the visa from country of origin. This means families are torn apart,
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It would seem a small change to allow foreign nationals and spouses of UK Citizens who are here on a visitors visa to apply for a settlement/spouse visa from the UK. It seems a rule with no practical benefit to the UK and is causing hardship for families. It is also being challenged under The Human Rights Act (Family Life) which is costing the Government money. The Home Office must be allowed to exercise some common sense.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months