This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Rejected petition No more solar 'farms' that impact tourism in the scenic Usk valley

There is a proliferation and hot spot of solar 'farms' in the Usk valley . Next to agriculture, tourism is the prime source of income. Businesses are being affected as the valley is becoming visually degraded. Further planning applications should therefore be rejected by Monmouth County Council.

More details

Planning permission is often approved on the inadequate premise that the solar 'farms' are not seen by a local car driver. However they are in full view of most other tourist activities. The electrical grid connection can result in a 'daisy-chaining' of solar farms adjacent one another. Often prime agricultural land is the site. Brown field, motorway embankment or industrial estate roofing can provide preferable locations that are often closer to the power destination.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for.

Your petition seems to be calling on Monmouthshire County Council to take action, not the UK Parliament or Government.

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