This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Abolish the Monarchy and distribute the resources to the people through councils

The Monarchy cost the tax payer millions of pounds every year, and while some people argue that it brings in tourism I believe if we were able to open the whole of Buckingham Palace rather than just a few rooms more people would want to see it. We must suffer austerity while they live in luxury.

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People say the royal family no longer have any power in the UK, if this is the case then it is simply a waste of money to keep them. It has also become clear from recent events that the royal family still have an influence on political matters through the unelected house of lords.

It is simply a waste of tax payers money as these people are not a representation of Britain or the values of its people.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

857 signatures

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