This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Change Planning Law to protect vulnerable humans. Equal/Above animal protection.

Certain animals have protections when development is considered. Humans are not catered for in the same way! Many individuals with respiratory diseases &/or impaired immune systems are affected by air quality & construction. This needs to change so developers cater for these people upon application.

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Since my wife's double lung transplant in 2014 we've fought against plans to surround our house with construction. She's suffered loss of lung function & contracted Aspergillosis as a consequence of a nearby site of 85 dwellings that created huge amounts of dust. Control measures are not sufficient to protect an immuno suppressed person. The consequences of bacterial/fungal infection for such individuals are FAR MORE SERIOUS.This cannot be right? Please sign and ask for change in legislation.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

210 signatures

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