This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Make self-defence classes mandatory for one school term for students aged 11-14.

This idea started after a female friend and I spoke about feeling unsafe in some areas, and her (and others) ignorance when it came to violent confrontations. We should educate young people to at least know the basics of self defence to prevent assault (sexual/violent) and petty crime.

More details

As of 2015, figures from the CSEW showed (for the offences it covers) an estimated 6.8 million criminal incidents. Offences involving knives and sharp instruments increased by 2% in the year ending March 2015. More significant changes at offence level include an increase in assaults (up 13%, from 11,911 to 13,488). Sexual offences recorded by the police rose by 37% with the numbers of rapes (29,265) and other sexual offences (58,954) being at the highest level since 2002.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

52 signatures

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