This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 Conservative government

Petition Make illegal the slaughter of pregnant cows.

More than 150,000 pregnant cows are sent to slaughter each year in the UK. At least 40,000 of these cows are in the last stages of their pregnancy and are bearing calves capable of independent life. Approximately 90% of the cows are dairy cows. The foetus is still alive during the cow's slaughter.

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During slaughter the foetus is alive while its mother is stunned and slaughtered. This means that the foetus would still be living while its mother’s front feet, head and possibly hide are removed. There is no legislation to protect unborn animals in abattoirs - even if they are days away from being born. To slaughter heavily pregnant animals and throw away fully formed foetuses is a barbarity.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,830 signatures

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