This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Birth and death certificates to be given to parents of stillborns from 21 weeks

This christmas and new year just gone has been a living nightmare for myself and friend lauren who I met having both lost our babies at 22 weeks.
After delivering of our babies we where refused a birth and death certificate due to our babies gestation, and given only a printed out form with DOB etc

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We found not having a legal document with our babies birth and death information on and also not being able to register them hard, even more so after seeing how perfectly formed they where at this gestation of pregnancy.
It is our strong beleif that parents of stillborns should be given the option to have these documents after loosing a much wanted baby
We feel that if given these certificates we are able to prove our babies did exist.
They where not just a fetus they are our babies!

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,679 signatures

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