This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Ban shorting of London AIM stocks, including shorting by Market Makers

We believe that shorting stocks on the AIM is damaging to companies, private investors and to the economy.

Manipulating a share price with borrowed stock is detrimental. Stocks should rise and fall naturally based on fundamentals and any external interference, legal or not should be addressed.

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The purpose of AIM is to support companies looking to grow steadily through investment, In turn creating jobs.

Large orchestrated shorting attacks aren't giving companies a fair chance in an already difficult market.

Social media and forums are often used during shorting, attempting to panic investors into selling, hence sending the price of the stock down further.

Only shorters and Market Makers benefit from this

A simple explanation of shorting

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

762 signatures

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