This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
Petition STOP all SATs testing in KS1+2 AND Help TEACHERS make decisions about EDUCATION
SATs do not improve pupils’ learning.
There is no evidence that end of Key Stage tests have led to individual pupils reaching higher levels of attainment than they would have done if the tests had not been introduced (CambridgeReview).
SATs reduce pupil’s access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
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Repeated testing and preparation for the tests de-motivates children and reduces their learning potential, as it encourages them to use strategies designed to gain marks in the tests, rather than increase their understanding.
SATs have a negative impact on children’s well-being. Pupils, particularly those who are less able, have a more negative attitude to school and to their own ability to learn, due to the pressure and stress of testing (Evidence for Policy and Practice Information Centre).
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months