This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Give People of England a referendum on creating a devolved English Parliament

It is fundamentaly unfair and unjust that England does not benefit from a devolved government on the same lines as other parts of the union e.g. paying of university fees, prescriptions, culture investment, the NHS, localised industries etc.

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It is deeply unfair and an unresolved part of the British aprliament system in the United Kingdom how all constituent parts of the union except from England have some form of devolved government.

it is clear these devolved governments have varrying degrees of power, but they enbale power to be decnetralised where it can be enabling a more localised and defined service being provided such as the education system in scotland and wales and the paying of prescriptions and university education.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

28 signatures

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