This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Government must release all data about EU migrant National Insurance numbers!

It is revealed that UK ministers (HMRC) are refusing to release data about active National Insurance numbers issued to EU migrants in the UK as they deem it would be "Unhelpful to the EU renegotiation process". This is unacceptable & the data must be released well before the EU In/Out referendum.

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Jonathan Portes Director of the National Institute of Economic & Social Research requested this information to help the UK electorate decide which way to vote in the EU In/Out referendum. His request has been denied. This is not in the spirit of fairness & indeed indicates a Government deliberately hiding information from the electorate because they feel it detrimental to their preferred position.
This is a matter of huge public interest!

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

334 signatures

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