This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition TRADE DEAL with EU after BREXIT must prohibit unrestricted immigration

We are told it may take10 years to negotiate a deal with the EU after we vote to leave. NO - Draft the deal now.

Give them some great trading terms. However, it MUST NOT be in return for the same unrestricted immigration as we have now and we must not be required to pay them money for nothing.

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You must listen to the population of this country and if we have voted to leave it will be because.....

1) We want to limit the people that arrive in the UK from around the world based on a fair system we can control.

2) We do not want to be a net contributor to the EU or anywhere for that matter. We want our billions spent in the UK.

3) We want to make our own laws, which is what generations of British people have fought and died for over the centuries.

You are hereby tasked with delivery

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

65 signatures

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